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Santa Barbara City College

Foster and Kinship Care Education Program

Live Webinars

Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic - our FKCE classes are going on line - using Zoom platform.  These will be live webinars so you can have a face to face with the instructor and have opportunities to ask questions right away.  We are so excited about the support we are getting from our resource parents with these live training opportunities.  Here is a video to help you out how to use the zoom.


What is FKCE?

The Foster/Kinship Care Education (FKCE) Program is a statewide program funded through the California Community College Chancellors Office, providing a variety of training programs for Foster/Resource Parents (parent education), and specialized training for relative caregivers - for FREE.

A wide range of class topics are offered in order to meet the educational, emotional, behavioral, and developmental needs of children and youth in out-of-home care.  

Come To FKCE When You . . .

  • Take care of a relative's child
  • Think you'd like to care for a child in the "system"
  • Need to complete mandated state foster care training hours
  • Improve your parenting skills

We know caregivers understand that parenting a child is more than just caring. Whether you are taking on the responsibility of caring for a relative's child or a child in the court system, we understand that there is much you want and need to know.   Our parenting classes are comprised of a wide-variety of topics that are FREE and sure to meet your needs and the needs of your family.

Independent Living Program

FCNI’s Independent Living Program (ILP) empowers former and current foster youth through education, life skills training, advocacy, workforce development and community collaboration to become self-sufficient and secure permanency in all aspects of their lives.


To find out more ...

Guardian Scholars Program

Guardian Scholars is a comprehensive program that supports former foster youth in their efforts to gain a college education. Foster care youth are emancipated at age 18 and are forced to make an abrupt transition to adulthood without traditional family support.


To find out more ...

FKCE - Coordinator, Trainer and Instructional Specialist 

Dr. Judy Sullivan Osterhage is an Early Childhood Specialist, with a degree in Elementary Education focusing on K - 12 has taught preschool and kindergarten through college courses. At SBCC she was a mentor teacher for college students pursuing their teaching certificate.  Dr. Judy is a manager at SBCC and director of the Foster and Kinship Education program - an educational program for foster and adoptive parents with classes ranging from early Childhood, specialized topics and partying strategies.  She earned my doctorate degree in Social Justice - Educational Leadership for 
Parenting Matters Consulting - Certified - Parent Coach and Certified - Mediator 
Trafficking Awareness and Spokesperson for HOPE REFUGE 
Anti - Child-Trafficking  advocate, instructor, on-line courses
Contact Dr. Judy Osterhage  -  [email protected]

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