The Parent Visitation Plan Process 

Top 5 Visitation Plan Mistakes That May End You Back In Court

The Parenting Visitation Plan Process, a step by step process helping create a solid compressive, custom plan for YOUR family.  Decreasing, frustration, conflict, cost and possible trips back to court over and over again. 

Do it right – Do it Once


My name is Dr. Judy Sullivan Osterhage

I am an Early Childhood Specialist, teaching preschool and kindergarten for many years.  In fact, I was a mentor teacher for college students pursuing their teaching certificate.  I have teaching experience from preschool to college courses all related to Early Childhood Education.  I also have a degree in Elementary Education focusing on K - 12.  Later I earned my doctorate degree in Social Justice - Educational Leadership for Change.

Certified - Parent Coach

Certified Family Mediator

Let's Talk - schedule a call with Dr. Judy

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5 Parent Visitation Plan Mistakes Landing Parents Back in Court


Examples of Course Lesson Topics include:

Get off the Marry-go-round

  • What are judges looking for?
  • Low Contact – No Contact strategies
  • Communication Systems
  • Making a CUSTOM plan based on YOUR calendar
  •  School Situations
  • Holiday Issues
  • Relatives
  • Medical Concerns
  • And Conquering Chaos
  • And MUCH more ….

Ishu Rao M.D.


Judy helped me learn how to say things when I’m having trouble dealing with my child’s behavior. Just small tweaks to my reactions & words made a huge difference!

The complaining and negotiating are being replaced with smiles and cooperation. I am convinced that every parent could benefit from a conversation with this woman! I wish I had two more hands so I could give her four thumbs up!”

Harmony McAuliffe


 Judy is a God send in our life!!! 

I came to her seeking guidance as a parent for my three children and took home with me tools that have completed transformed our relationship and family bond in ways I could never have dreamed possible!!! 
I'm forever grateful!!!     
Thank you Judy.

Heather Warren

Being a mom of four, a step child, twin babies and a toddler, I felt overwhelmed. Judy taught me healthful parenting techniques  making my life feel so much more balance and manageable. My kids and I have had a healthy loving relationship for years now and there is mutual respect between us. They have grown up to be loving responsible people.

Judy’s wisdom with families and children is priceless!

Ready to Start? - Find out how to purchase here
Start Now on your plan! - Find out how!

Send me and email to book a FREE 30 - minute Consult Call with Dr. Judy

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I lost my - “best me”

I couldn’t sleep, I was angry all the time, my stomached ached and the effect on my kids became obvious.  I never thought it would end.  I became so angry and powerless ...... my decisions began not to be what was best for my children, but it became an “I’ll show you…..” attitude.  It was not like me.  It was all so unnecessary and so avoidable! 

Somewhere along the line. 

I lost my “best me”